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2010 Activity Report

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Changes (3)

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* Creating a fairly intuitive navigation system.
* Some spaces were created, like the main [CIMA space|CIMA] , including the who is who page.
* A list of the [past championships|cima:Championships - Past] was compiled, creating specific pages for some of them.

The conclusion reached at the end of this evaluation was that Confluence met all the essential requirements, and more, for example the built-in menu system can be easily configured by individual users to be in French or German as an alternative to the English default.
More recently, the following spaces have been frequently updated:

* [Championships info|cima:Championships - Past]
* [S10 proposals|cimaS10:2010 Proposals]
* [2010 Plenary|cimaPlenaries:Plenary 2010]
* [This Plenary|cimaPlenaries:Plenary 2010] \- Please load all your contributions (national reports, bids...)
* [Calendar|cima:Calendar] \- Please include your events.
* [Championships|cima:Championships - Past] \- Please include any historical stuff you may have, especially in missing ones.
* [Records|cimaBureau:World record corrections] \- Please correct missing details.
* [Lost delegates|cima:Lost delegates] \- Some delegates don't have wiki logins because the email addresses registered with FAI bounce - can you help find these people?

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