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2004 EMC Castelo Branco

compared with
Current by José Luis Esteban
on 25 Oct, 2012 22:28.

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h3. Championship officers

| Event Director | Carlos Trigo\\ |
| Competition Director | Carlos Trigo\\ |
| Deputy Competition Director | \-\\ |
| Monitor | Jose Luis Esteban (Spain) |
| International Jury | | Tomas Backman (Sweden , President)\\
| Steward | |
Jan Bém (Czech Republic)\\
Tom Gunnarson (U.S.A.)\\ |
| Stewards | Keith Negal (United Kingdom)\\
Wolfgang Lintl (Germany)\\
Jose Luis Esteban (Spain) *\\
\* Appointed, but couldn't attend the competition\\ |

h2. Tasks and Results

h3. Documents

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