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Version 1 by Antonio MARCHESI
on 19 Oct, 2021 22:02.

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Precisely fly the course defined by several straight and/or arc legs with a given width (forming a corridor) at a given ground speed and over a minimun height from the ground (500 feet o minimun state limits, wichever is higher).

h4. Summary
** SP time.
** FP time.
* SP and FP pictures with the time gate cleary defined.\\

SP and FP times will be calculated at the aircraft declared ground speed in the registration form.
* Each time the aircraft leave the “corridor”:
** 0 -- 5 seconds out of the “corridor”: no penalty
** Additional time out of the “corridor”: 3 points per full second with a maximum of 300 points.

Time precisión at SP and FP: (Ptime)
Not following course to reach the SP and return from the FP to the airport (Prr) 200 points each.

Backtracking o circling Pbc (turn of more than 90 degrees from the course leaving the corridor or reentering the corridor before the exit). 200 points each.\\

Q = 2000 -- Pnav -- Ptime -- Pfpr -- Pto -- Prr - Pbc\\

P = 1000 * Q / Qmax\\

Software approved by the GAC must be used to score Spatial and time precision, loading the track from the GNSS recorders.
Software already used and tested by the GAC sould be used to score Spatial and time precision, loading the track from the GNSS recorders used for the championship.

Aditionally, if GSM/GPS data transmitter is used, approved by the GAC approved software is used, the system will provide real time scoring and tracks plotted in a screen avaliable to follow the task from the airport or to broadcast.

h4. Other Penalties\\

The following penalties will apply:\\

Breach of Quarantine: 100%\\

Any kind of track than shows intention to not follow the task instructions (fly part of the course twice, proceed directly to FP, etc.): 100%.\\ \\

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