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01 Delete normalization of time in championship records

Version 1 by Richard Meredith-Hardy
on 28 Apr, 2020 12:01.

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When we had championship records like Clover Leaf Slalom where times were very short (a minute or less), the margin inevitably got smaller the faster people went, you could beat a record by 1/10th of a sec, and they were all flown in an environment with a known temperature and pressure, it was easy, and important, to make a performance directly comparable to performances at other championships by normalizing the elapsed times.

Today, CIMA defines only one championship record to which S10 3.17.5 can could apply, *S10 Endurance with Limited Fuel.* In this type of record, better is longer (not shorter, like with the slaloms), and the elapsed time is likely to be quite long; 30 min or more.

Given Even if S10 did say the performance had to be normalized, which it doesn't, then given that the pilot is positively looking for external sources of energy to extend the performance eg thermal or hill lift, and will likely be at considerable height variations (= temp & press) during the flight, the actual temp & press on the ground at the championship site is of very minor little significance to a performance.

In the interests of simplification this provision can safely be deleted as no longer required in S10.

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