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4 = Single Seat 'Open' Class

Proposal from


Proposal title

Single Seat 'Open' Class

Existing text

Unsure of the text which refers. The simple addition to the table at 1.5.2 of "RL1" would have a significant effect on single seat competitors and records; therefore consultation is needed regarding the inclusion of the new text.

New text

Single seat open class:

Option A

The creation of an ‘Open’ single seat class for both RAL1 and RWL1 combined unless both RAL1 and RWL1 are independently valid.

Option B

The creation of an ‘Open’ single seat class for solo classes unless they are independently valid.


The imminent death of the RAL1 class and possibly the RWL1 class. Competitors are not willing to commit to a championship if they are not sure if the championship will be valid. The combination of the two classes will encourage competitors to participate if they believe they will compete in a single 'open' valid championship.

Added by Rob HUGHES Last edited by Rob HUGHES on 26 Sep, 2012 19:41. Quick links: or 4 = Single Seat 'Open' Class
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