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23 - GBR - Deletion of 4.34.17 (paramotors)

Proposal from


Proposal title

Deletion of rule 4.34.17

Existing text

4.34.17 In Paramotors, if less than 50% of pilots in class start a task then after all penalties have been applied each pilot score for the task will be reduced on a pro-rata basis according to the following formula:

Pilot final task score = Ps*(MIN(1,(Ts/Tc)*2))


Ps = Pilot task score after all penalties Etc. are applied.

Ts = Total started; total number of pilots in class who started the task (ie properly, beyond 5 minute rule).

Tc = Total class; total number of pilots in class.

New text

Delete the entire paragraph.


This is, in my view, a very undesirable rule, that allows Meet Directors to launch a task in potentially unsafe conditions, falling back onto the arguments that it is up to the pilots to fly if they wish, and let a formula devalue the points.

There are always a few pilots desperate for points who would be prepared to fly in dangerous conditions.

I prefer the idea of a Meet Director who has to make a judgement on the suitability of a task in the prevailing and forecasted weather conditions, and cancel the task, whether some pilots have launched or not, in the interest of safety.

Added by Rob HUGHES Last edited by Rob HUGHES on 20 Oct, 2010 20:23. Quick links: or 23 - GBR - Deletion of 4.34.17 (paramotors)
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