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18 = Team score

Proposal from

Wolfgang Lintl, Delegate Germany

Proposal title

Team Score

Existing text

S10 4.34.11 The team score shall be computed from the sum of the scores of the top three pilots of each country in
each class in each task grouped together in:

  • Classes AL1, AL2, WL1, and WL2

New text

S10 4.34.11 The team score shall be computed from the sum of the scores of the top three pilots of each country in
each class in each task grouped together in:

  • Classes AL1, AL2, WL1, and WL2, GL1 and GL2


There is no reason any longer to exclude the GL-classes from the team score.

Added by Richard Meredith-Hardy Last edited by Rob HUGHES on 26 Sep, 2012 19:55. Quick links: or 18 = Team score
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