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12 - ESP - Director's signature on electronic score sheets

Proposal from

José Luis Esteban, Spanish Delegate.

Proposal title

Director's signature on electronic score sheets

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4.34.4 The time of issue is the moment when a score sheet is posted on the official score board and carries the time when this is done, together with the signature of the championship director.

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4.34.4 The time of issue is the moment when a score sheet is posted on the official score board and carries the time when this is done, together with the signature of the championship director. In the case of an electronic score publishing system, the director's signature won't be necessary as long as the publishing system is directly managed by the director and his scoring team.


A piece of paper posted on a publicly accessible board may be replaced by anyone, so the director's signature is necessary to authenticate documents such as score sheets.

If we need to see the director's signature when using an electronic score publishing system, the director would have to print a document, sign it, scan it and then upload it back to the score publishing system. This would require much more effort than older systems, and would be against the agility achieved by new systems like the one used during the last microlight championship, in which the scores were published in a fraction of a second.

As an alternative, an electronic signature system could be used, but then every team would need some additional infrastructure to verify the authenticity of a document.

But, in the end, the director's signature is not relevant in an electronic scoring system, so long as the system is under his control.

Added by José Luis Esteban Last edited by José Luis Esteban on 18 Oct, 2010 23:50. Quick links: or 12 - ESP - Director's signature on electronic score sheets
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