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Proposal from

Michael Kania, GER

Proposal title

Annex 4 - 2.C.1  SPOT LANDING

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The objective is for the aircraft to touch down within a marked deck, as close to the start of the deck as possible, coming to a halt in as short a distance as possible.


This task simulates a landing on an aircraft carrier deck, the deck being a deck 100 metres long and 25 metres wide. Deck length shall be adjusted according to the airfield elevation (S10 4.31.5). The width of the deck may be decreased to be adjusted to the width of the existing runway (S10 4.31.5). The first 25-metre section of the deck is divided into five 5 metre strips which are scored from 250 to 50 points as shown. The remainder of the deck scores 25 points. In order to score the main wheels must touch down in a particular strip and the aircraft must come to a complete halt within the 100-metre deck, as close to the start of the deck as possible.

New text


The objective is for the aircraft to touch down within a marked deck, as close to the start of the deck as possible, coming to a halt in as short a distance as possible.


This task simulates a landing on an aircraft carrier deck, the deck being a deck 100 125 metres long and 25 metres wide. Deck length shall be adjusted according to the airfield elevation (S10 4.31.5). The width of the deck may be decreased to be adjusted to the width of the existing runway (S10 4.31.5). The first 25-metre section of the deck is divided into five 5 metre strips which are scored from 250 to 50 points as shown. The remainder of the deck scores 25 points. In order to score the main wheels must touch down in a particular strip and the aircraft must come to a complete halt within the 100 125-metre deck, as close to the start of the deck as possible.


Provided of an approximately linear characteristic of the ratio between acceleration and needed takeoff distance in the phase short before takeoff, the deck extension for short-takeoff and landings has to be 25 meters (rounded down).

Calculation: 100m * 83 km/h / 65km/h = 127,69m

Added by Michael KANIA Last edited by Michael KANIA on 03 Oct, 2018 13:37. Quick links: or 05 - SPOT LANDING (GER)
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