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CIMA Plenary 2010

The 2010 CIMA Plenary is now over.

Thankyou to all delegates who attended.

The [CIMA Bureau] remains the same as 2010 but with the addition of Patrice Girardin (FRA) as Treasurer.

The Plenary debated many issues, all contained in the 2010 Plenary section. One of the greatest successes of the last year has been this wiki. The Plenary agreed it has revolutionized the way CIMA works and now Delegates are becoming more familiar with it, it is to be hoped more Delegates will be willing to contribute.

Work starts today on exciting new projects such as the Continental League Cup. Of greater urgency is the choice of a [bidder for an EPC 2011 or a WPC 2011]. There were no bids for this at the Plenary, but an initiative by the Paramotor committee and endorsed by the Plenary has allowed a narrow window for new bids to be accepted before Christmas.

Added by Richard Meredith-Hardy Last edited by Richard Meredith-Hardy on 24 Nov, 2018 19:04. Quick links: or CIMA Plenary 2010
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